Kitchen Lifts in Leeds

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Kitchen Lifts in LeedsKitchen lifts in Leeds, sometimes called Dumbwaiters are supplied to fine kitchens by our company, Motion Elevators. Large hotels may require a bank of kitchen lifts and smaller kitchens one or two will be sufficient. The food and hospitality services depend on the convenience of kitchen lifts especially when they’re serving more than one floor. In urban areas, the only expansion possible is often up or down. Restaurants using dumbwaiters to transport food, dirty dishes and linens between floors instead of building a second kitchen save money on expansion. Operating costs are cheaper because they can manage with fewer employees, and use the leftover space to add more seating.

Our kitchen lifts meet all health standards with stainless steel finishes. In Leeds, kitchen lifts may have bi opening doors or a roller door. Access is gained from one or both sides. You may wonder why have a kitchen lift for food when there’s already elevators installed. It’s simply more sanitary to isolate the food from the general public. With a kitchen lift the food goes directly from the kitchen to the server of the guests table. It also saves the servers time and energy. Our kitchen lifts from Motion Elevators cover your choice of two or three floors. They are strong and durable with galvanised steel framework. Our installation team gets it right every time so your kitchen lifts operate fluidly.

Kitchen lifts in Leeds are indispensable for clearing the tables quickly and getting the piles of dirty dishes and linens away from the serving area. The used dishes and linens  can descend to the kitchen on one lift while fresh linens and table service arrive on another. It’s an easy and time saving way to keep the service flowing quietly and efficiently. Our company installs and maintains kitchen lifts. When a moving part shows wear, we replace it so you aren’t faced with an out of order kitchen lift. Contact Motion Elevators, and we’ll come to your place of business and show you how our kitchen lifts can save you time, money and overworked servers. Kitchen lifts are a smart investment in food service efficiency. Efficiency leads to greater customer satisfaction and isn’t that the goal?

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